Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 2

Day 2 Course: 35K total: 10K uphill through canyon, 10K downhill through gorge, 15K slight downhill across the plain to camp.

Times: Owen - 3:05, Budjargal - 3:40, Paul 3:50

I'll start by describing how I feel right now, 3 hours after the finish, and then describe the run itself. Yesterday I felt fine after the run, tired but not overly sore, somewhat like I would feel after a long training run. Today there are quite a few things that hurt. My shoulders are sore from the pack, my bicepts hurt (I can only think that it's from using my arms that much more than usual), the hips are a bit sore and my achilles tendons are both very tight. I'm also feeling a lot more fatigued but happy with a good day's effort.

The first few K were the same as yesterday, then we turned right and up a fairly steep hill. Owen took off at a strong pace and I settled into a pace just a little ahead of Budjargal. The walkers started an hour before us so some time before the first checkpoint we were passing them - a welcome bit of cheer.

The second 10K was thorugh a wide gorge that slowly narrowed to a very interesting, winding, high walled corridoor. I saw one of the vans go past me and then caught it right back up again as it had to slow drastically to get along the wet and muddy path. At 20K I felt pretty decent and as I was filling my camelback Budjargal flew past me and off into the distance. I took a few photos, as I tried to do each checkpoint, put my iPod on for the first time and set off in belated, and not particularly hot, pursuit.

We climbed a steep path up onto the plateau and suddenly I could see for what seemed like hundreds of miles in every direction. The whole rest of the stage was a trek down the plain, fairly dull but somewhat comfortable running. Everyone I spoke to found it tough though - I think the relentless nature of the trail made it more mentally taxing than anything else. I couldn't ever quite catch Budjargal though I could see him for most of the last 10K. He finished 10 minutes ahead, but in the grand scheme of things 10 minutes is not all that much. You never know, 10K could still be an option.

I'm starting to feel the aches and pains now and I've had a headache while may well be a bit of dehydration. I'm bloody hungry as well. At least there was a cold stream near the campsite so I got to clean off and cool down. I also got to see camels in our camp when I arrived. You don't get that every day.

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